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AI4HealthOutcomes Initiative

Our First Workshop

Exploring The Transformative Impact of Applied AI on Health Outcomes

Despite the highest healthcare spending, the U.S. has poorer health outcomes compared to other high-income countries, with Louisiana ranking low on many health indicators ranging from chronic diseases to behavioral health. Artificial Intelligence (AI) holds the promise of enabling quicker and better-informed decision-making for patients, doctors, and policymakers, and can enhance health behaviors by better managing individual to population health.

The goal of the workshop is to bring in interdisciplinary experts (e.g. physicians, health policy experts, public health scholars, and AI researchers) to help understand challenges posed by fragmented information infrastructure from multiple perspectives, gaps in patient behavior sensing, and how these issues affect health outcomes. The workshop will foster collaboration between AI researchers and health experts to jointly identify challenge areas, sources of funding, and collaborative research opportunities.

Workshop co-organized by Raju Gottumukkala, PhD; Chris Kimmel & Henry Chu, PhD., UL Lafayette, Aron Culotta, PhD, Tulane, Dr. Jason Hill & Nick Duesbery, PhD, Ochsner Health.

Industry Participants: Ochsner Health, CGI, Google, One Telemed, Louisiana Department of Health (Medicaid & Office of Public Health), Aetna Health, FMOL Health System, Medtronic, and Haltian Inc.

The workshop was April 23, 2024, from 8:30 am – 2:15 pm at the Center for Academic Excellence on the Ochsner Main Campus.

The workshop was structured around the following objectives:

  • Learning from Healthcare Organizations: Gain insights from healthcare entities regarding challenges in achieving favorable health outcomes, including but not limited to transitions of care, patient engagement, patient monitoring, health disparities, and access to rural healthcare.
  • Showcasing Ongoing AI/ML Research: Present ongoing and pertinent research endeavors in the fields of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.
  • Identifying Synergies: Explore potential synergies between AI expertise and addressing the challenges impeding optimal health outcomes.

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