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Delcambre to speak at January 19 LaHIMSS Meeting

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LaHIMSS Lunch and Learn - January 19, 2018

Join us for lunch at the Petroleum Club in Lafayette and a discussion of locally applied health it innovation improving the health of the community. The presentation delivered by Matthew Delcambre will touch on national work related to the Opioid Epidemic Code-A-Thon, Predictive Analytics, and Blockchain being applied in Lafayette.

Matthew Delcambre is the Director of the Center for Business and Information Technologies at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette. Matt is an Executive in Residence for the Informatics Research Institute at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette where he is Director of the Center for Business and Information Technologies and also functions as Innovation Managing Director for the NSF IUCRC Center for Visual and Decision Informatics. He also serves as Technical Lead for the City of Lafayette's participation in the US Ignite-sponsored Smart Gigabit Cities initiative.

Matt has over 30 years of leadership experience in the Information Technology sector, with a particular focus on applying technology to solve customers' most complex business challenges. Before joining IRI, Matt spent 30 years at Oracle Corporation and Sun Microsystems in various technical leadership positions, most recently as Vice President of Enterprise Business Architecture for the Oracle North America Cloud and Infrastructure organization.

(CBIT Archives)